Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Some research for Compositions for certain emotions

Rimsy Korsakov
mixed emotions---"Symphony" by Rimsy Korsakov

Samuel Scheidth
relaxation---"Courante in G" by Samuel Scheidth

Geza Anda
fear---"Bartok Piano Concerto No.1" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
tension,fear----"Bartok Piano Concerto No.1-2" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
excitement, danger----"Bartok Piano Concerto No.1-3" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
excitement, fantasy, happiness, joy, extreme joy, fear----"Bartok Piano Concerto No.2-1" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
tention,danger,mystery,search, discovery-----"Bartok Piano Concerto No.2-2" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
danger, fear, excitement, frustration---------"Bartok Piano Concerto No.2-3" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
excitement of a young girl, love, first kiss, obstacles, storm but calmness, search, lost, found happiness but lost again----"Bartok Piano Concerto No.3-1" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
calm, tension, little touch, increased passion but very slowly, almost like dreaming and floating on air---"Bartok Piano Concerto No.3-4" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok
happiness, joy, dance, Rhythm(variation), move from happiness to danger than back to joy, kids running in a daisy field, butterflies,----"Bartok Piano Concerto No.3-3" by Geza Anda, Bela Bartok

whole CD "Flute Day Dreams"
calm, dreamy, flute, unknown joy, increased unknown joy, increased satisfaction-----Edvard Grieg " Morning"
dreamy, calm---whole CD "Flute Day Dreams"
spoiled rabit jumping from place to place and dancing-----The Nutcracker by Peter Ilyich
relaxation, lyrical, extreme calmness and happiness without ups and downs---Carmen:Intermezzo by Georges Bizet
romantic, poem, fantasy, nostalgic----FL Qt in d: adagio and Rondo by Wolfgang Amadra

sad, lost, dead, down, cry, hopeless, moves to tension in mid section, still sad but there is some excitement and hope----Site for solo cello, Canto Prima by Mstislav Rostropovich

whole CD has tension, hope and danger and mostly sadness and last 2 have danger, close to death, end of an era, grieving after someone's death
the second CD has sad, nostalgy, knowing that you lost your chance, thinking of lost and sweet memories but too late and there is no hope to re-experience it, in past

ANNIE FISCHER---Mozart, schubert, Schuman
Mozart-Sonata--spring, happiness, joy, butterflies, sparks in your hearth, dance, shifting from one joy, taste to another, discovery of love, satisfaction, increased excitement----Fischer Annie
Adagio---calmness, relaxation, acceptance of situation and enjoying the moment, appreciation

Zach Layton's suggestions
John Cage-7 eternal motions/emotions

SAD-Arvo Part, Messaien:Quartet end of time (louange a la eternite de jesus)
JOY-Beethoven 4th-mvt. 9th symphony
FEAR- Ligeti (lux Aeterna, Atmospheres)-
Schoenberg (Etwartung)
FRUSTRATION-Schoenberg (Opus II, 13 (Piano) - (Webern)
CALM-Erik Satie "Socrate", Gnossienne

Algorithmic Composition
Automated composition-process of using some formal process to make music w/ minimal human intervention
Algorithm=Predetermined set of instructions for solving a specific problem in a limited number of steps

Automation=Anything that can move or act of itself

Mozart="Dice Music" ---small musical fragments & combining them by chance
John Cage="Randomness" "Reunion" -- performed by playing chess on a photo-receptor equipped chesssboard
Olivier Messiaen= "Mode de Valeurs et d'inensites" -- piano etude 1949
had 36 pitch series, each pitch of was given specific rhythmic, dynamic, registral and attack
characteristics with which to be used in the composition. (Kostka 1995)

Use Of The Computer in Music
2 early pioneers--Lejaren Hiller
Jannis Xenakis
3 general approaches -- stochastic, rule-based, artificial intelligence (AI)

Iannis Xenakis=Book- "Formalized Music"
Music-Atrees, Morsima-Amersima
Kemal Ebcioglu=Choral
William Shottstaedt

AI System(Artifical Intelligence)---it creates its own grammer and database of rules
David Cope=Experiments in Musical Intelligence
Genetic Programming= Generates its own musical materials as well as forms its own grammer

Brian Israel (Ldc 20881)--in praise of practically nothing---******
good for sudden excitement---calm-excitement--romantic----tention
below is how I felt when I listened to this (USE THIS--GREAT TENTION--MUSIC W VOCALS--some parts are acustic, glass, metal, flute, piano, jumps from calmness to crayzness)

John Cage(LDC 12833)--dances for soloist & company of 3
same type-sudden excitement, fear, tention, mystery--no vocals -- electronic music-- (GOOD YOU MIGHT USE THIS)*****

-David Cope(LSRX 15620)--The Way---
-tention, flow through different emotional states, sudden fear, msytery, darkness, doors(tention), lost, lonely, horror---

-Rochberg(LSRX 11460) Dialogues---
-tention, dynamic, teens, curiosity, innocence and curiosity, discovery, sweet, hide (GOOD FOR DYNAMIC MELODY PAINTING -BUT SIMILAR TO DAVID COPE'S STYLE--PICK ONE) (THE WAY(DAVID COPE)=DIALOGUES(ROCHBERG))
-Below are how I felt when I listened to him

David Cope(LZR 26807) -- Navajo Dedications--
nostalgy, mystery, whistle in desert, sweet and warm, touchy, unknown danger,storm after calmness, grief, excitement(igh and low in time)---(GOOD ONE MIGHT USE THIS TOO)******

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